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Kerry Lytle

June 1, 2024

Romans 8:28 New King James Version

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

Mistakes… we all make them. 


Big ones, little ones, ones we think aren’t even mistakes until we look back and realize it was. 


Sometimes, these mistakes turn into huge regrets. Things we wish had never happened and hope no one ever finds out about. 


But often, God will use these things we are ashamed of for good, whether it teaches us a valuable lesson, or ends up helping others. 


No one is immune. But at times it can feel like we are trapped. The solutions to our problems can sometimes seem worse than the problems themselves. And though those mistakes can lead to circumstances and troubles that seem very grim, but let me give you encouragement, in the midst of your trouble, God understands...and He can turn your mistakes into miracles.


Perhaps you have done the wrong have made some wrong have done what you knew you shouldn't do...and now you are suffering the consequences of those mistakes. 


Regardless of any mistake you have made...or tragedy that has come into your life...if you will turn to God, He is prepared to take your mistake, your awful circumstance, and turn it into a miracle. 


Take a look at people in the Bible that made mistakes. David has an affair with Bathsheba, Jonah tells God "No" when asked to go to Nineveh, Peter denies he knows Jesus, and the list goes on, but God turned around their messes and mistakes and worked it out for His good.


God has not changed. He can do the same thing for you. Regardless of the circumstance you are in, with God on your side, you can't lose.


Romans 8:28 (NKJV) says "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."


All things include your failures, your mistakes, and even the attacks of the devil. If you will pray, if you will love and trust God and do what He wants you to do...if you will walk in His purposes, He can and will turn things around for you.


These verses declare that there are only two things you need in order to succeed. One, you must be convinced that God can turn anything you can imagine-any problem, any trial, any situation that came about because of your own mistake or somebody else's mistake, anything-into a miracle.


And two, you must be completely convinced and persuaded that God loves you unconditionally. No matter what life may have thrown your way, you can be more than a conqueror through Him who loves you.


You may not think that anything good can come from your blunder, but God works in amazing ways.


Our mistakes may cause a lot of hurt to others, or even ourselves. But anyone can sit around, feeling regret for what they have done. 


It takes effort and faith to lift our heads and gaze at the face of the One who promises to give us His joy when we ask for it. 


When we accept His joy in the midst of our mistakes and painful experiences, that reaction of joy is so different and unexpected that we can’t help but begin to reflect His glory to the world around us.


When we are transparent about our mistakes, we let others know that no one is ever beyond the reach of God’s grace.


We may suffer for our mistakes. We may beat ourselves up over our mistakes. We may hurt others over our mistakes. But let us never forget that God has the power to redeem and use our worst sins for His glory and good!

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