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Amanda Henderlight

December 7, 2024

1 Peter 5:7, New Living Translation

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”


As I look around me at how God connects the dots in so many things. I am again floored at His heart to speak to me regardless of so many things.


On my wall hangs a “Nevertheless she persisted” sign. On my cabinet is the cracked mirror from my car wreck with a sign that says, “She will be known by the boldness of her faith”. Another sign reads; “Give all your worries to God for He cares about you,” 1 Peter 5:7. I have surrounded myself with the love of God and reminders of His faithfulness so that when I hit the valleys at the bottom of life’s roads, it’s Him I will seek to help me back up the steep mountain sides of life.


Today I found this post with another comment in my Bible journal during my time with God. This took me on a road that was well worth the travel.


In September, I went to bed on the last night of my retreat seeing a vision. For many truly who know me, I grew up Baptist and Baptist don’t see visions or so I thought. God was going to show me different. You see first and foremost I am Christian. I have attended a Baptist faith, a non-denominational, and now an Assembly of God. Each of these faiths and the people in them have meant so very much to me but first and foremost the core belief of my heart is Jesus came to die that I might live. If I repent and seek Him, from that comes a relationship not a religion. So for me it has always been the Lord to lead me, grow me, show me that I may be a light to others. He’s spoken to me before through His calming reassurance and through connecting dots, however this vision was so much more than I could begin to explain.


Let me describe it like this. There was a strong smell so strong and a fire moving in front of my eyes but nothing burning, destroyed, nothing to show why I was seeing this very real fire. For any who know me God's message throughout my life story has been “Wait on Me.” And again, in His own way here He was again teaching me to wait on Him.

Needless to say, my mind jumps ahead oftentimes, and here I smell, see, and feel the heat of fire almost as if I was right there in it. And never having a vision, it scared me.


That night my post in my Bible notes and prayer had been on 9/2024; “I saw a vision last night as I went to bed on fire. It was scary.”


Lord, I don’t know what You are showing me but help me to trust and believe in whatever You are doing. It felt very real and that is was pertaining to me. Lord help me to look to You for direction in all things. Speak to me that I may hear You ever so clearly.


Needless to say, when we ask our God to speak he does. But as He had said to me so many times before, “Wait on me,” was His response.


A day or so passed and there was no real fire. So what was that vision and why?


As I went to bed one night I opened my Bible and began to read . God took me to 1 Peter 1:7, and connected all the dots for me. I was shaking with God shivers as He spoke through His word to confirm the vision I have had and what it meant.


That the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perished, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearance of Jesus Christ.


And my notes beside it saying, “Let my faith when tried by fire mold me into who You had me to be”.


Words can’t begin to speak but as you connect the dots God also led me to a song as I showered the last morning –unsure of how I had got home from Bramabella and unsure of what God's answers would be. You see I had been through a divorce with so much hurt, a wreck, a trip with no route home but at the mercy of God's answers, “Wait on me,” Yet each step of the way He had revealed Himself as He provided for, protected, and grew me along the way. The testimony of that week would fill a series of books where I would write about all the things God was doing in and through– and even long after it.

“This is my Surrender” was the song God gave to me.

So much in what should have been a short testimony and yet the heart of God speaking in and through me. Without Him I am nothing. And so again I am floored and at my knees praying for direction and praising Him in each of these things.

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