Heidi Davis
November 16, 2024
Genesis 9:13, God’s Word Translation
“I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth.”
Life Always Has A Purpose Part Two
It still gives me chills, twenty-three years later. He had round glasses that were polarized so I couldn’t see his eyes. The frames were reflective so all you could see was some kind of weird rainbow in them.
Remember that part: He had a long beard. The kind you would expect a devil cartoon character to have. It was long, and patchy. It was black with white tips at the very bottom. His skin was greasy. He was the color of jaundice and death. It smiled at me. That smile was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my life. His teeth were jagged and broken. They were off color. The color of decay. He had a long, black cigarette holder in his hand. The kind of old film actresses. Like the one Cruella De Vil had in 101 Dalmatians. The smoke was creating these strange circles around his head.
It was absolutely surreal.
I was frozen in fear.
Fear of him.
Fear of breathing.
Fear of moving forward.
Listen - I know I wasn’t seeing things as if they were in the natural world. I know that for certain. This “doctor” was probably some man in his 50’s, with a receding hairline and a lab coat… but that’s not what God showed me. Then I ran (and I mean ran) back to the waiting room screaming at the other women, “You shouldn’t be here! It’s not supposed to be like this!”
I left and never looked back knowing that this child growing inside my womb must have a purpose. And that is the story of my beautiful daughter, Lindsay. She dodged the first bullet Satan tried to use to take her out. He has tried again, and again, and again. But he has been defeated each and every time - In Jesus’ name!
Her life and her walk with the Lord, means many will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Satan really hates that. Sadly, this isn’t when I started walking with Jesus, but He surely was walking with me. The beauty of God's faithfulness never ceases to amaze me.
Here’s a revelation that the Lord later revealed…
The demon's glasses were polarized. They were reflective. It mirrors back what’s right in front of you. All I could see in the reflection of those glasses was a rainbow. A rainbow is a sign of God's promises. “I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth.” (Genesis 9:13, God’s Word Translation) God always fulfills His promises. Always.
If you are reading this and you have a decision to make, please understand this...
The first person to ever rejoice at Jesus coming was a baby in a womb. God knit your baby in your womb. Your baby was spoken into creation before the foundation of the world.
There’s a purpose.
Life always has a purpose.
Your baby has a purpose.
Give God’s promise of life.
Regardless of the circumstances God made no mistake by placing a baby in your womb. If you can’t take care of your baby, there are many families who are waiting on God to fulfill their hope of having a baby. I know of two mommas who chose life after reading this. That is all credit to the Holy Spirit moving on their heart. My part was simply sharing how God saved my child. And that same guy in the story who gave me half the money, he turned out to be a great dad to our four children. God had a plan to send four beautiful little humans to this earth who call us mom and dad. And now my baby is married and has a baby of her own.
Don’t let Satan destroy your generations. My child wasn’t an inconvenience. She was the best decision I ever made. Second only to following Jesus.